Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Future Plans

This is just a quick post to tell you about everything I have to look forward to within the next year or so. Being bogged down with school work and exams hasn't put me in the best mood recently, so I thought I'd take some time to stop and think about everything that's coming up.
  • In the summer holidays I'm off to Spain for a week of surfing and a week roaming around Barcelona. I'm completely in love with that city and I've always wanted to surf, so this should be an experience. 
  • After the most stressful hour of my life, I managed to get 2 tickets too see McFly (one of my favourite bands- check them out) at the Royal Albert hall on September 21st, for their 10th anniversary celebration. Due to high demand me and my friends weren't able to all get tickets -sigh- but it should still be amazing! 
  • I also decided, rather spontaneously, to buy some very cheap tickets to see Kodaline in Oxford on November the 9th, as I've recently been loving their EP. The tickets are still going so if you live nearby check them out, their sound is quite folky and alternative and I promise you'll love them. 
  • I turn 16 in December which is incredibly exciting but also scary, I'm looking forward to the new freedom but not so much the exams. But I'll also be able to get a job, meaning more money to spend on pretty things, ooooooh.
  • My parents have promised to try for Glastonbury tickets for next June- whether we'll be successful for not I don't know- but what I do know is that it will definitely be the most insane experience ever. I know I want to go at least once in my life. Fingers crossed!
  • Luckily I have a pretty decent back-up plan if the likely happens and we fail on getting Glasto tickets. Reading Fest! I'll be 16 by then, meaning I can camp the weekend with my friends for both days of music. If the line-up is as good as this years, I'll be rolling on the floor in excitement. It's an alternative/rock festival normally including bands like Bastille, Imagine Dragons, and Green Day.
  • And finally, I'll need to start applying for sixth-forms and colleges. The way it's looking at the moment, many of my friends will be going to different places to me, which will be pretty rubbish. However, I'm looking forward to a change, and it'll give me the opportunity to meet new people. 
This list turned out to be longer than I thought, racking my brain for future events made a few ones crop up that I hadn't even thought about yet. It's definitely put me in a better mood, although a couple seem slightly daunting. I've always been a fan of change though, and I can't wait to try new things. (This all sounds quite cheesy so I apologize for that.) 

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